Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS

The Key To The light

Its winter in midsummer, the marketers are folded, the tress are dead, the homes were destroyed by the wind of the humans. In 1786, in the far, far way land called Langyoard, everyone there was so desperate for sunlight that nobody saw in years, it’s all because of the humans, but Jena changed, and Kate were the ones who were the key to the light. Jen and Pull went to the lake to catch fish, they spent 5 hours digging ice, then they started fishing. Pull cotch something, everybody in the lake is looking at Pull, Jena helps Pull to bring it up, everybody comes closer to see what it is. Villagers: what is it, Jena: can you help instead of watching for god sakes, some people try to help, they pulled it up it was Walmart shopping cart, everyone did not know what it was because they think its 1786 but life was ended in 2024. Jen and Pull toke the shopping cart home, everyone was staring. They want home they were screaming “mom, dad” we found something, their parents looked at them, and said what is this in New English. Everyone was shocked what it was, some people try to eat it, some people try to break it, and some said it was a god, so they started to pry to it. Kate come outside and sees Jena holding the cart, Kate come near Jena and asked her what this is, Jena saying she has no idea. Kate didn’t know what was going on, so Kate they told everyone they need to study it. Kate is the studier in their tiny village, she tells people what is wrong and what is right according to her research, and no there is no internet. After weeks later Kate puts the cart outside, and gathers everyone to tell them, this is safe to use and she showed them how to use it, everyone wanted to use it but Pull found it, Pulls father Hale toke it from his son and clime it his cart, Hale was renting the cart for 4 hours for 5 focus. $5,000 us dollars = 5 focus. Time pass everyone get to rent the cart, and some try to steel it, the people that called the cart their new god were protecting it for Hale, because they thought that Hale was god’s assistant. Mr. Aaron was the leader for the new cart church. Hale was enjoying this, he was making money off this people, including the cart church people it. One morning the cart church try to steel Hales cart but threatened them if they try it again, he will destroy the cart, they stared bagging him not to do it, and they won’t do it again, they gave an oath. The problem was solved with the cart issue with everyone in Langyoard. Langyoard was located on top of New York City, New York City was under water 5,000 feet deep. New York is now home for the sea species. On September 5th A beautiful girl walking in and letting her sunshine shine by power of wind of thunder, she had a long blue hair with sparkling purple eyes, and a pink skin, she had this long white dress with red roses on it, she smelled like a haven. Everyone is staring at her as she walks toward the shore with green high heels.

Sarah: wow she is beautiful

One of the villagers: she is which of beauty

Mr. Aaron: she is here to take our god

Hale: for the first time I will agree with Mr. Aaron

Hale wife: hello what is your name young lady

Aberdeen: my name is Aberdeen, what is your mam

Hale wife: Aberdeen what a magnificent name you have, my name is Linda

Everyone starting at Linda with a shock with the fact that she has not spoken since her son Edward died 5 years an ago, he was at age of 25, with 4 kids, left behind. After months later everyone accepted Aberdeen, they though about life is short and they need to let it go and be happy for rest of the time they have in life. As life go on in Langyoard, they prey to on god, because There were many religions but in this time all religions has been combined and called “light”. There god was light. Then Jena and Kate becoming partners in studying, after 5 years later they found out that there was life before them, so they did more research, and found a way to go underwater and breath. So, they want udder water and saw the statue of liberty in the in the deep under the sea. They saw a light coming from the liberty they want closer and saw humans. There were humans living inside the statue liberty, there was about 500 male and 500 female, also there was 500 kids. If there was more than 1,500 people in there than they would kill the weakest person by eating it meet. Their leader Mr. Lorded was in charge of everything. People inside statue of liber never saw the sun, because in 2024 the government got 1,000 healthy male and female and hided in the secret government place inside the statue. They never saw the light in their life, the people living there didn’t need anything from the outside world because they have everything they need to live, including tiny garden. Jena and Kate went inside by permeation of Mr. Lorded, they want and got out safely with everyone. It took time for everyone to get used to the outside and people around them. The nation become all one to support each other. My name is Taylor Moderated, and this is what I want through, it was scary but now life is normal like I read on the internet we found, now there is no leader everyone does their own part to keep earth safe.


The wind blew softly, rustling the girl’s hair. The sun loomed low, and the peaks rose higher, higher, ever higher. The girl’s gaze rose, assessing the mountain that lay before her. The mist, rising out of the river, obscured some of the view, but it didn’t deter the girl. She needed this wish. After staring deep, deep into every crevasse, every cave, she nodded. The girl was going to climb the mountain.

Every journey starts with a single footstep, and the girl was starting her’s. It was warm, down at the foot of the mountain. The clouds curled around the sky, like dragons protecting their precious treasure: the peak, and the cave, and the wish. This was for her brother, who was sleeping, just sleeping, under the ground, back at her village.

Still, a smile crept its way onto the girl’s face as she walked. The ground was soft, cradling her feet. She slipped her shoes off, and into her pocket, to better feel the little grasses as she made her way up the hill that would soon turn into a mountain.

“Greetings, young one.” a voice called out to her, from somewhere in the fog. “Where are you going?”

“U-up the mountain.” she stammered out, searching the mist for its source.

“Do you have time to spare on a quick talk, and a bite to eat?” it asked, comfortingly soft.

She carefully 1tilted her head in thought. “Not yet, I don’t think.”

“Well then,” the voice’s owner rose up out of the mist. “I have a trip to run, and a boat to ferry. Would you like me to take you up a bit?” The Riverman offered his hand to the girl. She studied the worn skin, and followed it back up to the arm, and then the man. He was tall, and skinny, and smooth. He wore a long, white cloak, that covered almost all of him. His mouth, though concealed by a hood, seemed to be smiling at her. The girl blinked curiously at his yellow eyes, peeking out from under his hood, and nodded.

“Very good!” the Riverman exclaimed, in his quiet way. “My boat is in the river.” He led the way down the bank, taking sure footsteps, and not slipping a bit. The girl followed, doing her best to copy his steps so she wouldn’t slip into the water.

It burbled, bubbled, built up, a roaring fountain of almost translucent dew, gathered into one magnificent pool, and sent on its way, rushing down, down the mountain from the highest peak. Here, it was strong, tugging away at anything that entered. Miraculously, a boat was anchored to a reed, floating, flirting with the powerful current, but not succumbing to it.

The Riverman untied the reed with practiced motions, slipping his weathered hands around and around the knot, slowly loosening it until it fell away, releasing the boat. Like a snake, his arm shot out, clasping onto the boat, saving it from the current.

“After you.” He held his free arm out cordially, gesturing towards the boat. The girl gingerly climbed into it, wobbling unsteadily. She quickly sat down, and the Riverman hopped into the boat. Swiftly, he began paddling upstream, and up the mountain.

The girl stuck her hand out of the boat and touched the river. It was cool, but not unpleasantly so. She ran her fingers over the boat. It was solid mahogany wood, and it was smooth, polished by the river. She turned her head to the Riverman, and watched him make each stroke of the oar. He was swift and sure, and the boat was moving up the river despite the water’s pull.

“I climbed the mountain once. I thought I would find love. Instead, I found this boat.” The Riverman reminisced, unprompted. The girl didn’t respond. “I’ve been here for many years, and I am happy.”

The river was growing slimmer. Eventually, the current barely a trickle, the Riverman staked his oar into the soft ground hiding beneath the water.

“This is as far as my boat can go.” the Riverman laughed a bit as the bottom of the boat scraped sand. “Come back and visit after you reach the peak, hmm?” The girl nodded, then stepped out of the boat. The ground here was rocky, but smooth. She turned to the Riverman and waved goodbye, before turning and continuing her trek up the mountain.

The sky was fading to scarlet, and the clouds were a deep blue. The air cooled, and the girl pulled her scarf a little tighter.

“Hello there, lass.” The girl jumped a little, turning to search for the source of the voice. It was deep, but welcoming, and it was coming from a man dressed in leather. He was tall, and wide, and seemed to almost be a mountain himself. Her eyes followed him up and up, until she finally found the head of the massive man. He had frizzled blond hair, and kind brown eyes. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

“I am the Miner.” he introduced himself, holding out a massive hand. The girl took it and did her best to shake. His grip was strong.

“I am climbing this mountain.” the girl informed him. The Miner nodded appraisingly.

“It is good to have a goal.” he praised the girl. “Would you like to stop with me for a bite to eat and a place to sleep? Night is falling.”

“I would like to finish, first.” the girl told him.

“May I gift you something, to help you on the way?” the Miner requested. She nodded, and followed him as he walked through the spires and arches of the rocky mountain. They looked polished, like someone had been shining them, as if instead of taking from the mountain, a miner had been taking care of it. The girl smiled, and the Miner led her to a small shack. It was carved from the mountain, and it was strong.

“This is the only thing I have ever mined.” The Miner said solemnly. “I was young, and foolish, and I took it, carved it, and wished it from the mountain. I have spent the rest of my life paying the mountain back.” The house, made from stone, polished to perfection, with its unnatural bends and beautiful carvings, did not seem quite so good anymore.

“I have paid my debt by now.” the Miner admitted. “But I enjoy living here, and caring for the mountain. Here, this is a gift the mountain has gave me.” He held out a small crystal to her, and the girl took it carefully.

“It takes light, and makes more.” the Miner instructed her. “A single drop of starlight can be as brilliant as the sun at noonday. The mountain gives them aplenty to me, and I share them with travelers.”

“Thank you.” the girl whispered in awe, turning the crystal this way and that, rubbing her thumb against the smooth sides. The Miner nodded, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

“I’ll let you be on your way now,” he said.

“I’ll come back and visit when I’m done.” the girl told the Miner. “I’ll have a bite to eat and a place to sleep then.”

“That is good.” The Miner chuckled. “I will be having friends for dinner, later.” The Miner waved goodbye to the girl, and the girl waved goodbye to the Miner, and continued on. As she left the` rocks and polished pillars of the mountain, she came upon a forest.

It was green and black and purple in the dying light. The sun had dipped beneath the Earth completely, but the stars had not yet ventured out. There were sounds of birds, preparing to sleep, sounding from the strange, twisted trees, and the quiet rushing of the river had returned. It was peaceful.

“Good evening, deary.” The girl smiled; another person to talk to. She searched the woods, looking for something that didn’t belong- or perhaps, something that did. Her eyes fell upon a woman, who looked young but sounded old. Her raven’s black hair was pulled back in a long braid, and the shadows cast from the sky made it look purple. Her eyes were closed, and her robes were black, and the girl knew that there was some magic about her.

“Good evening!” the girl chirped. “I am climbing the mountain.” she added on, as an afterthought.

“That is good.” the woman replied. “I am the Blind Witch, and these woods are my home. I grew them a long time ago, after I made a deal with the mountain.”

The girl tilted her head curiously, and the Blind Witch continued her story. “I found a cave, hidden near the peak. It granted wishes, I had heard. I gave it my eyes, and my time, for magic. I was going to leave once the forest was finished, and return home, a hero. I suppose I never got around to it. I could leave if I wanted, but the forest isn’t quite done, I don’t think. Besides, the mountain is my home now.”

“I came here for someone, but I think I would like it to be my home, as well.” the girl admitted.

“That is good.” the Blind Witch praised her. “The mountain knows what is best. You should finish climbing it.” The girl nodded, and walked away back into the woods. As the forest thinned and the moon danced with the stars in the sky, the girl climbed higher, higher, up the mountain. Soon there was snow, crunching beneath her feet, but the girl had lost her shoes some time ago- they had slipped out of her pocket.

“Hale, child.” A voice lifted its way through the Earth, echoing across the snow and sky. “Would you wish me to carry you a while?” The girl turned and smiled and sought out the owner of the voice.

“Yes, I would like that.” the girl called back out, even if her voice wasn’t half as good as the one she was talking to.

“Then I would love to be of service.” The Bird, scarlet and massive, descended from the snow-bound clouds, scattering the flakes as she landed. The Bird bowed, and the girl climbed onto it.

“Where would you have me take you?” the Bird asked.

“I am climbing the mountain.” the girl told the Bird. It nodded, and with a powerful flap of its wings, left the ground behind to catch the sky. After a while of riding in silence, with only the song of the wind to touch her ears, the girl asked the bird a question.

“Have you ever asked the mountain for something?”

“Of course.” the Bird responded. “I asked to be able to escape my village. When I shifted like this, I first thought I was cursed. But it was a blessing. I’ve escaped the village- this mountain is my home now.”

The girl smiled. “That’s what everybody says.”

“I think it might be what you are saying too, soon.” the bird sang out. The girl nodded, and the song of the wind took over once again.

“Here we are.” The Bird said at last, dropping the girl onto the mountain’s peak. The girl waved goodbye, then turned to the cave at the peak of the mountain. What to wish for, she already knew. And yet, she hesitated. Perhaps some things were not to be. The girl smiled.

“Shoes.” It was not what she had come for, but it was good. Her toes were warm, and her brother would not have wanted this, anyways. If he had wanted to stay, he wouldn’t have jumped. It was for the better to let him sleep.

The girl pulled out her crystal, and let the sky touch it. It shined bright, and the girl looked down at her new pale green shoes that fit perfectly. She could walk back down the mountain now. She could leave the snow-tipped peak and the cave where wishes came true, and walked through the woods, and come back down to the Miner. She had friends there- a Blind Witch, a Riverman, and a Bird. It would be good to have a bite to eat, and a place to sleep. The girl smiled, and walked down, down, down to her new home.

The Words I Write

Writing saved me from the tree.

Writing spoke out about all the people who hurt me.

Writing is something that can never scare me.

Or erase me.

The words I write can never keep me from being me.

The words I write make others happy.

The words I write have fed me.

And sometimes I write those words unhappily


I’ve heard women in older generations talk about modesty

Like a grand philosophy, a high class society ideology

Deciding with one look a woman’s worth

Little girls with eyes the size of suns listen to every word

I’ve seen mother’s live the life they never got through their bright daughters

I’ve seen beauty exploited until it’s unrecognizable

I’ve felt the lines of my ego and idea of self-worth blur until I can’t tell them apart

Womanhood is realizing you aren’t a kid anymore

It’s applying lipstick in dirty mirrors

It’s a stomachache that wakes you from your sleep

Womanhood is the dark side of the moon,

And the fabric of the air we breathe

Where are you going?

“Absolutely nowhere”

Or at least that’s just what I say, when I get asked, “Where are you going?”

Because I still don’t know

And if I don’t know then what gives someone else a right to know?

And what gives them the right to ask?

What if I decide that I’m not going anywhere

What would they say then?

They would ask me, “Why didn’t you go” or “Where would you have gone.’

But no

I still have no idea where I’m going

Still undecided, undeclared

Feeling unprepared

Getting ready for the next time someone asks me, “Where are you going.”