Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS

I still hate this assignment

I still hate this assignment

I still do not like this assignment.

How many times are we doing this assignment?

On a completely unrelated note, how many days of school are we allowed to miss without getting into trouble?

I do not enjoy presenting my work.

It’s similar to someone reading your diary.

But I guess that’s a stupid analogy because I’m far too lazy to keep a diary.

You have to write in them every day.

And I don’t even have the discipline to make sure I eat a vegetable every day.

Like, hey mom! I ate a baby carrot! Look at me being all healthy.

So, if I did magically acquire the ability to stay consistent

And then decided that, out of all things I could be doing with my newfound thing called. “Self-control”

That I was going to start writing in a book every day.

That would be one boring book.

Hello. Today I had pizza at lunch. And my teacher made us present another poem… and I didn’t like it…

Hello again. This week I fell down the stairs because I didn’t want to step on my dog.

Hello. Today is… Thursday… the thirteenth. Send help we have to do the public speaking again.

fancy bow