Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS

I need to hear

I need to hear the loud sound of the motor starting

Struggling to put the yellow suit on my sore limbs from the previous heat

While placing a white helmet on my head

I need to hear the boys laughing at me

“You can’t do it” they say

It fuels me

I hover above the water and it drowns out the sound

My mind floods in remembering the words of other people’s low expectations

They don’t know who I am, they don’t what I’m capable of

My heartbeat races faster than ever as I line up for the start


The green flag drops

I need to hear myself scream at the boat

I let of the throttle, squeeze the steering wheel, and I rotate my arms

I come around turn two and the white flag waves so brilliantly in the wind

One more lap around and I come upon the finish line

Things are different this time

People are astonished

I win the race!