Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS

Honest poem about me

I am neither a morning person nor, a night owl so I felt like I just had to choose one.

I haven’t.

I am neither a cat person nor a dog person, and I felt like I had to choose one

I haven’t.

I am neither a girly girl nor a tom boy and I felt like I had to be one.

I am neither.

Cake or Ice cream, movies or tv shows?

Why would I choose, I like them both!

I apologize to objects I drop or put out of place.

I have almost put jam in the pantry and bread in the fridge.

There are days I only think of my flaws.

There are days where I say Dang girl who let you!

There are days that pass with nothing done within it. Whatever.

There are days when I sing the day away.

There are days that I never crack a smile.

I used to be a reading dragon and have read Harry Potter 10 times.

but I have settled down into a nice apple as a bookworm.

I listen to music while I read.

I grew up listening to show tunes but being an actor or a singer sounds like the absolute worst. To me at least.

I have no allergies

I used to have two phones.

One for texts and calls that I almost never looked at.

One for everything else.

I have been a musician for half my life, but never appreciated that time.

I only thought of the people that were better, more committed, and had more friends.

I am tall but don’t play sports

I could probably outrun a bad guy and get to free food in good time.

But with my mile time being almost thirteen minuets.

You won’t see me at the marathon.

I like to draw and am good at it but never do it.

I had bad handwriting, but just now started fixing it.

I am a napping enthusiast.

I didn’t say my first words until I was two,

While other kids say them at 12 to 18 months.

My parents tried to teach me sign language.

That didn’t work. (Do in ASL). Make a y-shape, bring it down, and fling your other fingers out= that (Make a fist at your chin, move it away from you, do a thumbs up, then shake your head= didn’t) Make fists with both of your arms, cross them, and tap them together once= work).

But despite all of this,

The good and bad,

I love myself,

As often as I can.

Now that you know me,

And some of my darker secrets I would like to say

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.