Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS


They say life is short but still only a teen it feels like an eternity. I feel trapped in the same day as it repeats itself over and over like a hamster running on it’s wheel.

Hoping each time I wake up it will be a different day. From 1-7, 1-24, 1-365 over and over again. I am growing up though I feel stuck. I see people change but when I come home

to look in the mirror I am still the same.

At night I lay in my bed wondering if I am wasting the time. Wasting my time waiting. I waste my time waiting to finally grow up. will it be worth it. It only costs a life I’ve

built for the past decade and a half. Because when I grow up I will not remember you, I will not remember my friends or the time you made me feel a little bit better on a bad day.

And the things I will remember will just be stories. And the stories I tell will be forgotten days after they are told. Because I am too busy trying to make more stories out of my life.

The day I broke a bone doing something dumb will one day just be “Don’t ever do that or you could break something” or advice on how to deal with pain so my past pain wont become yours.

The only days that these young years matter of which I am living is now. It feels like an eternity but you can’t go on your favorite ride at the amusement park for you are to tall, you don’t wear

the clothes stuffed in the back of your closet for they don’t fit your interest anymore, you cannot go trick or treating now without getting asked “Aren’t you a little to old for that”. Because you are growing up.

Your favorite movie that feels like came out a couple months ago actually came out three years ago. Because like they say time flies. It flies right past you and takes those memories you no longer cherish.

So I will enjoy life now because life IS short.