Cen10 Writers Creative Writing @CHS

If Man Were A Monster

If man were a monster, he might as well look that way.

The most beautiful of creatures aren’t always as they seem.

Soft ruby lips might lift to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Long silky fur hides silver claws, dripping with blood of the precious innocent.

An elegant, marvelous creature, seen out of the corner of your eye, could be on its way to tear apart the heart of its next victim.

The most hideous of creatures aren’t always as they seem either.

Dull colors conceal vibrant streaks of bright personality.

Dirty feet distract from happy smiles, eager to help and love

Matted fluff destroys the image that they hope others would see while looking in their deep thoughtful eyes.

Looking at these creatures, it becomes hard to tell which is good and which is evil.

Long years of tedious practice can teach the nastiest of monsters to look pleasant and warm.

Then why, can man not be counted as one of these creatures as well?

He can.

Hidden inside the skin of humans are many evil creatures.

They slowly consume until the human is gone and only the monster is left.

When these creatures are in control, when these monsters take man’s heart, why does it stow away in the skin of a seemingly “okay” person?

You can assume these monsters have no shame, as they repeat their foul actions over, and over again. So why do they hide? If man were a monster, he might as well look that way.